Garden City Politics - Victoria, BC

Discussion of Municipal Politics for Victoria, British Columbia and metropoltian area, covering civic policy, bylaw issues, policing, and of course, gossip.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

311 service for Victoria?

I haven't heard any noise about it yet, so let me be the first to say, "Let's get this going". 311 service seems to be a very smart thing for municipal governments, if it is anything like the service that NY has, at least as far as I have read.

From the CRTC decision authorizing this service for Calgary, Gatineau, Montréal, Halifax, and the Region of Halton, The Municipalities provided examples of the various functions of the proposed 311 service. Citizens could dial 311 to report dangerous road conditions (i.e. potholes, missing manhole covers), traffic light / street light outages, water main breaks, blocked / broken sewer mains, stray animals, abandoned vehicles, and noise complaints. Further, citizens could make inquiries regarding garbage / recycling, water quality / safety, public transit schedules, development and building permits, property tax bills, parking tickets, and recreation facility schedules. The proposed 311 service could also provide referrals to the mayor's / aldermen's offices, handle general service complaints and compliments, and provide access to all police / fire non-emergency services.

The beauty of this service is that it can spotlight trends in complaints, helping the city understand not just what needs to be done, but what the citizens want the city to do. The example that put me onside with this idea was that NYC during the blackout last summer realized that diabetics were extremely concerned about their insulin supply going bad due to lack of refrigeration, and called the city to figure out a solution. This wasn't on anybodies radar until they got a lot of concerned phone calls. In a lot of ways, this can allow the citizenry to be a bit more empowered, so long as the City pays attention to what the citizens are worried about.


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