Garden City Politics - Victoria, BC

Discussion of Municipal Politics for Victoria, British Columbia and metropoltian area, covering civic policy, bylaw issues, policing, and of course, gossip.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Downtown Victoria 2020: Downtown as a Place of Learning

Downtown Victoria 2020: Downtown as a Place of Learning is the newest report from the 2020 group. I'm beginning to see why the people involved are pushing this. It's just a glimpse at this point, but here's a couple of quotes that point the way:

A variety of non-profit and market housing, new purpose-built and in converted heritage buildings, including live/work to accommodate artists, teachers and students.

A civic based program of creative bylaw and zoning instruments, land assembly, facility creation and improvements, direct grant and other aids to support and sustain the formal and non-formal learning sector base for a learning city.


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